ASN System

Network Infrastructure

Network Infrastructure

What does Network Infrastructures mean?

Network Infrastructure is the hardware and software resources of an entire network that enable network connectivity, communication, operations, and management of an enterprise network. It provides the communication path and services between users, processes, applications, services, and external networks/the internet. ASN systems (Active Security and Network Systems) is providing the most productive Network Infrastructures.

ASN systems (Active Security and Network Systems) explains Network Infrastructures

Network Infrastructure is typically part of the IT infrastructure found in most enterprise IT environments. The entire network infrastructures are interconnected and can be used for internal communications, external communications, or both. A typical network infrastructures includes:

Networking Hardware:

  • Routers
  • Switches
  • LAN cards
  • Wireless routers
  • Cables

Networking Software:

  • Network operations and management
  • Operating systems
  • Firewall
  • Network security applications

Network Services:

  • T-1 Line
  • DSL
  • Satellite
  • Wireless protocols
  • IP addressing

What is Network Infrastructures Security?

Network Infrastructure Security, typically applied to enterprise IT environments, is a process of protecting the underlying networking infrastructure by installing preventative measures to deny unauthorized access, modification, deletion, and theft of resources and data. These security measures can include access control, application security, firewalls, virtual private networks (VPN), behavioral analytics, intrusion prevention systems, and wireless security.

How does Network Infrastructures Security work?

Network Infrastructure Security requires a holistic approach to ongoing processes and practices to ensure that the underlying infrastructure remains protected.


The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) recommends considering several approaches when addressing what methods to implement.

Segment and segregate networks and functions - Particular attention should be paid to the overall infrastructure layout. Proper segmentation and segregation is an effective security mechanism to limit potential intruder exploits from propagating into other parts of the internal network. Using hardware such as routers can separate networks creating boundaries that filter broadcast traffic. These micro-segments can then further restrict traffic or even be shut down when attacks are detected. Virtual separation is similar in design as physically separating a network with routers but without the required hardware.

Limit unnecessary lateral communications - Not to be overlooked is the peer-to-peer communications within a network. Unfiltered communication between peers could allow intruders to move about freely from computer to computer. This affords attackers the opportunity to establish persistence in the target network by embedding backdoors or installing applications.

Harden network devices - Hardening network devices is a primary way to enhance Network Infrastructure security. It is advised to adhere to industry standards and best practices regarding network encryption, available services, securing access, strong passwords, protecting routers, restricting physical access, backing up configurations, and periodically testing security settings.

Secure access to infrastructure devices - Administrative privileges are granted to allow certain trusted users access to resources. To ensure the authenticity of the users by implementing multi-factor authentication (MFA), managing privileged access, and managing administrative credentials.

Perform out-of-band (OoB) network management - OoB management implements dedicated communications paths to manage network devices remotely. This strengthens network security by separating user traffic from management traffic.

Validate integrity of hardware and software - Gray market products threaten IT infrastructure by allowing a vector for an attack into a network. Illegitimate products can be pre-loaded with malicious software waiting to be introduced into an unsuspecting network. Organizations should regularly perform integrity checks on their devices and software.

Why is Network Infrastructures Security important?

The greatest threat of network infrastructures security is from hackers and malicious applications that attack and attempt to gain control over the routing infrastructure.

  • Gateway Risk: Hackers who gain access to a gateway router can monitor, modify, and deny traffic in and out of the network.
  • Infiltration Risk: Gaining more control from the internal routing and switching devices, a hacker can monitor, modify, and deny traffic between key hosts inside the network and exploit the trusted relationships between internal hosts to move laterally to other hosts.

Although there is any number of damaging attacks that hackers can inflict on a network, securing and defending the routing infrastructure should be of primary importance in preventing deep system infiltration.

What are the benefits of Network Infrastructures Security?

Network infrastructures security, when implemented well, provides several key benefits to a business’s network.

  • Improved resource sharing saves on costs: Due to protection, resources on the network can be utilized by multiple users without threat, ultimately reducing the cost of operations.
  • Shared site licenses: Security ensures that site licenses would be cheaper than licensing every machine.
  • File sharing improves productivity: Users can securely share files across the internal network.
  • Internal communications are secure: Internal email and chat systems will be protected from prying eyes.
  • Compartmentalization and secure files: User files and data are now protected from each other, compared with using machines that multiple users share.
  • Data protection: Data back-up to local servers is simple and secure, protecting vital intellectual property.

With ASN systems (Active Security and Network Systems) you can get the best services of network infrastructures.